runs a brms regression model across a population of phylogenetic trees.
phylogenetic_uncertainty(formula, data, phylos, sp.id.column, cores = 1,
iter = 5000, fit.name, thin = 0, save.fits = FALSE,
save.combined = FALSE, path = "./", pb = TRUE, ...)
A model formula. It must not include the random effect term referring to the phylogeny.
A data frame containing the data to be used in the model.
An object of class 'multiPhylo' (see multiphylo
The name of the column containing the 'taxa' label (i.e. the labels that match those in the tree tips).
Number of cores to use for parallelization. Default is 1 (no parallelization).
Integer with the number of the iterations as in brm
Character string with the name of a RDS file to be saved.
Integer with the thinning rate as in brm
Logical to control if single fits are saved as RDS files. Default is FALSE. If 'save.combined' is also FALSE then the model fit is returned into the R environment.
Logical to control if the combined single fit is saved as a RDS file. Default is FALSE. If 'save.fits' is also FALSE then the model fit is returned into the R environment.
Character string with the directory path in which to save model fit(s) (when either 'save.combined' or 'save.fits' are TRUE). The current working directory is used as default.
Logical to control if a progress bar is used. Default is TRUE.
Additional arguments to be passed to brm
for further customizing models.
The function returns a fit model that combines all submodels with individual phylogenies. Individual submodels can be saved if save.fits = TRUE
The function allows to take into account phylogenetic uncertainty when running phylogenetically informed regressions by running several models with a population of trees (ideally the highest posterior trees). Individual models are then combined into a single model fit.
Araya-Salas (2022), brmsish: miscellaneous functions to customize brms bayesian regression models. R package version 1.0.0.Paul-Christian Buerkner (2017). brms: An R Package for Bayesian Multilevel Models Using Stan. Journal of Statistical Software, 80(1), 1-28. doi:10.18637/jss.v080.i01
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# example taken from https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/brms/vignettes/brms_phylogenetics.html
phylo <- ape::read.nexus("https://paul-buerkner.github.io/data/phylo.nex")
# quick and dirty trick to make the phylo multiphylo by replicating it
phylos <- list(phylo, phylo)
class(phylos) <- "multiPhylo"
data_simple <- read.table("https://paul-buerkner.github.io/data/data_simple.txt",
header = TRUE)
# run model
pu_mod <- phylogenetic_uncertainty(phen ~ cofactor,
data = data_simple, sp.id.column = "phylo",
phylos = phylos,
iter = 3000, save.fits = FALSE,
save.combined = FALSE, chains = 1,
prior = c(
prior(normal(0, 10), "b"),
prior(normal(0, 50), "Intercept"),
prior(student_t(3, 0, 20), "sd"),
prior(student_t(3, 0, 20), "sigma"))
} # }