Automatic signal detection: a case study

Some recent additions to warbleR aim to simplify the automatic detection of signals. The current post details these additions with a study case detecting inquiry calls of Spix’s disc-winged bats (Thyroptera tricolor). Inquiry calls were recorded while the bats were flying in a flight cage. Recordings were made on four channels, each one from a different mic. Mics were about 1m apart from each other. So the four channels from a recording event represent slightly different registers of the same calls. [Read More]

Signal detection with cross-correlation using warbleR

warbleR (v1.1.24) now includes functions to detect signals using cross-correlation similar to those in the package monitoR. There is already a blog post on cross-correlation detection using monitoR. In this post I show how to do that with warbleR and compare its performance against that from monitoR. First install the latest developmental version of warbleR and load other packages (the code will install the packages if missing): devtools::install_github("maRce10/warbleR") x <- c("warbleR", "monitoR", "microbenchmark", "ggplot2") out <- lapply(x, function(y) { if(! [Read More]

Signal detection with cross-correlation using monitoR

Here I show how to detect signals with cross-correlation using the very cool package monitoR. This package aims to facilitate acoustic template detection. The code here is similar but much less detailed than the quick start vignette of the monitoR package, so I encourage to look at the vignette if you want to learn more about it. The package monitoR runs cross-correlation across sound files to search for the signals using previously defined templates. [Read More]