Persistent vocal learning in an aging open-ended learner reflected in neural FoxP2 expression


Most vocal learning species exhibit an early critical period during which their vocal control neural circuitry facilitates the acquisition of new vocalizations. Some taxa, most notably humans and parrots, retain some degree of neurobehavioral plasticity throughout adulthood, but both the extent of this plasticity and the neurogenetic mechanisms underlying it remain unclear. Differential expression of the transcription factor FoxP2 in both songbird and parrot vocal control nuclei has been identified previously as a key pattern facilitating vocal learning. We hypothesize that the resilience of vocal learning to cognitive decline in open-ended learners will be reflected in an absence of age-related changes in neural FoxP2 expression. We tested this hypothesis in the budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus), a small gregarious parrot in which adults converge on shared call types in response to shifts in group membership. We formed novel flocks of 4 previously unfamiliar males belonging to the same age class, either “young adult” (6 mo − 1 year) or “older adult” (≥ 3 year), and then collected audio-recordings over a 20-day learning period to assess vocal learning ability. Following behavioral recording, immunohistochemistry was performed on collected neural tissue to measure FoxP2 protein expression in a parrot vocal learning center, the magnocellular nucleus of the medial striatum (MMSt), and its adjacent striatum.

BMC Neuroscience
Marcelo Araya-Salas
Marcelo Araya-Salas
Research Associate

My research interests include evolutionary behavioral ecology, cultural evolution, scientific programming and all possible combinations of them.