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add_to_gitignore adds entries to gitignore based on file extension or file size


add_to_gitignore( = FALSE, cutoff = NULL, extension = NULL, path = ".")


Logical to control if files are added to 'gitignore' or just printed on the console.


Numeric. Defines the file size (in MB) cutoff used to find files (i.e. only files above the threshold would returned). 99 (MB) is recommended when hosting projects at github as the current file size limit is 100 MB.


Character string to define the file extension of the files to be searched for.


Path to the project directory. Default is current directory.


Prints the name of the files matching the searching parameters. If = TRUE the files matching the search parameters ('cutoff' and/or 'extension') would be added 'gitignore' (a file used by git to exclude files form version control, including adding them to github).


The function can be used to avoid conflicts when working with large files or just avoid adding non-binary files to remote repositories. It mostly aims to simplify spotting/excluding large files. Note that file names can be manually added to the '.gitignore' file using a text editor.


Araya-Salas, M., Arriaga, A. (2023), sketchy: research compendiums for data analysis in R. R package version 1.0.3.


Marcelo Araya-Salas (



make_compendium(name = "my_compendium", path = tempdir(),
 format = "basic", force = TRUE)

# save a file
write.csv(iris, file.path(tempdir(), "my_compendium", "iris.csv"))

# add the file to gitignore
add_to_gitignore( = TRUE,
path = file.path(tempdir(), "my_compendium"), extension = "csv")
#> Creating directories ...
#> my_compendium
#> ├── data/  
#> │   ├── processed/  # modified/rearranged data
#> │   └── raw/  # original data
#> ├── manuscript/  # manuscript/poster figures
#> ├── output/  # all non-data products of data analysis
#> └── scripts/  # code
#> Done.
#> '.gitignore' file not found so it was created
#> The following file(s) match(es) the extension and exceed(s) the cutoff:
#> iris.csv
#> File(s) added to '.gitignore':
#> iris.csv