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alternative name for auto_detec


  X = NULL,
  wl = 512,
  threshold = 15,
  parallel = 1,
  power = 1,
  output = "data.frame",
  thinning = 1,
  path = NULL,
  pb = TRUE,
  ssmooth = 0,
  bp = NULL,
  flist = NULL,
  hold.time = 0,
  mindur = NULL,
  maxdur = NULL,
  envt = NULL,
  msmooth = NULL,
  osci = NULL,
  xl = NULL,
  picsize = NULL,
  res = NULL,
  flim = NULL,
  ls = NULL,
  sxrow = NULL,
  rows = NULL,
  redo = NULL,
  img = NULL,
  it = NULL,
  set = NULL,
  smadj = NULL,
  pal = NULL,
  fast.spec = NULL


see auto_detec for documentation. autodetec will be deprecated in future versions.