Day 1



Intro to basic bioacoustics concepts



Introduction Introduction

  • How animal acoustic signals look like?
  • Analytical workflow in bioacoustics research
  • Advantages of programming
  • Course outline

Basic R concepts R basics

  • Object types in R
  • Subsetting
  • Style matters
  • R documentation


Project assignment

  1. Use the function query_xc() to check the availability of recordings for some bird species you have in mind for your project (do not download at this step) (check this brief tutorial on how to do that)

  2. Subset the data frame returned by the function to get the subspecies/populations and vocalization type you are interested in (using base R subsetting tools)

  3. Download the associated recordings using query_xc() again


Day 2


What is sound? Sound

  • Create a Rstudio project for the course

  • Download this folder into the course project directory

  • Sound as a time series
  • Sound as a digital object
  • Acoustic data in R
  • ‘wave’ object structure
  • ‘wave’ object manipulations
  • additional formats


Project assignment

  1. Annotate target signals using Raven Pro (a subset of the recordings if working on automatic detection)


Day 3



Building spectrograms Building spectrograms

  • Fourier transform
  • Building a spectrogram
  • Characteristics and limitations
  • Spectrograms in R


Project assignment

  1. Double-check annotations using warbleR’s dedicated functions
  • Create single spectrograms of each annotation
  • Create full spectrograms of all sound files along with annotations
  • Create catalogs


  1. Double-check annotations using Raven (export data from R to Raven)


Day 4



Package seewave seewave

  • Explore, modify and measure ‘wave’ objects
  • Spectrograms and oscillograms
  • Filtering and re-sampling
  • Acoustic measurements

Quantifying acoustic signal structure Quantify structure

  • Spectro-temporal measurements (spectro_analysis())
  • Parameter description
  • Harmonic content
  • Cepstral coefficients (mfcc_stats())
  • Cross-correlation (cross_correlation())
  • Dynamic time warping (freq_DTW())
  • Signal-to-noise ratio (sig2noise())
  • Inflections (inflections())
  • Parameters at other levels (song_analysis())
  • Acoustic space using Principal Component Analysis


Project assignment

  1. Select best quality signals for analysis
  2. Measure acoustic parameters
  3. Summarize variation at higher hierachical levels (if necessary)


Day 5

Quality control in recordings and annotation Quality checks

  • Check and modify sound file format (check_wavs(), info_wavs(), duration_wavs(), mp32wav() y fix_wavs())
  • Tuning spectrogram parameters (tweak_spectro())
  • Double-checking selection tables (check_sels(), spectrograms(), full_spectrograms() & catalog())
  • Re-adjusting selections (tailor_sels())


Project assignment

  1. Plot acoustic spaces
  2. Write report

Check out this guide on how to measure acoustic structure on Xeno-Canto recordings